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Showing posts with label wallet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wallet. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Catching Up...

Well HEY THERE. It has been quite some time since my last post. There have been so many changes here. We moved an hour north; I took a new job; and I have REALLY expanded my hobbies. I still knit often - my go-tos are socks and tiny baby knits, which are mostly for gifts.
But it's not all tiny knitting...
The new place has a lot more land, so I've also been into gardening quite a bit....
Which led me to figure out how to preserve my harvest, so I took up canning....
The new property also meant that I could finally get all the chickens I have always wanted. We couldn't have them before due to a town ordinance. Now we have plenty, and we can have roosters. We also starting raising our own meat birds. As much as I hate processing day, I have to say that it very satisfying to know exactly the type of life my birds led before ending up on our with sunshine, grass, bugs to forage, and in general, birds get to live their best chicken lives here. That goes for the layers as well. We enjoy fresh eggs from spoiled hens. All laying hens get a full retirement plan here; once they are done laying, their jobs shift to bug management and flock leaders.
Of course, having an excess of laying birds has encouraged us to open an egg stand...which doesn't sell very many eggs since we live on such a quiet street in a remote area. This means I give away an insane amount of eggs between about February through September. Given all the gardening and eggs, I have been saving up my money, and I recently ordered a Harvest Right freeze dryer. As of now, I am anxiously awaiting for the shipping date. I hope it will arrive before Christmas, so I can whip up some treats for our holiday celebration.

Covid happened, of course, which caused me to dust off the old sewing machine to mass produce face masks back when you couldn't buy them. This led to me trying other projects, like knitting project bags and eventually, totes, backpacks, leather wallets, etc.
As busy as I have been with all this, my job(s) for the last few years have been - as jobs often are - sometimes overly consuming of both time and mental bandwidth. Over the last several months, things have become much more manageable, which makes me believe that I can pick up this little project again. Oh...I also started a YouTube channel. I talk about chickens a lot, and sewing and knitting as well. You can check it out here: